Monday 7 May 2007

Oh, Rangercraig!

I may have mentioned before that the Scottish Parliament elections happened last week. In order to vote you have to be registered. When you are registered a polling card gets put through the letterbox box by Brian the postman. It has been a source of constant concern/plotting to Rangercraig that even though polling cards are sent out, when it comes to actually voting, all you have to do is turn up at the polling station and state your name and address. No ID is asked for and no card needs to be shown. A system ripe for abusing.

Picture then the scene at the Village school on Thursday, a tall bearded man walks in, approaching the desk with the confidence of the truly wicked. "I'm Grahame X, " he says. " I've come to cast my vote." The name is dully scored off the list and ballot papers handed over.
" Don't you need to see my card, or any other identification ? " asks the bearded fellow. A reply in the negative issues from the desk. "But how do you know it's really me? Surely anyone could come in and pretend to be Grahame X ? "
"That sort of thing doesn't happen here." says the desk in Local Government tones.
" Well it does now! "
and with a swish of his metaphorical cape our hero shows himself to be none other than Rangercraig. Lurking behind him with both polling cards, his partner in crime - the true Grahame X. Much jaw dropping ensues and the voting takes place with the correct ballot papers.
Tune in next week when Rangercraig meets the Queen by dressing up as President Bush!

NB. Photo of Grahame X and Rangercraig in disguise to prevent detection from the Electoral fraud people, just in case they are not busy enough sorting out the rest of the mess from last Thursday.....


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Well done to them! How brilliant are they.
I once voted as Gillian Hunter, whoever she is. Not me, thats for sure. Was easy peasy. oh, and my friend here always gets three polling cards, in her maiden name, married name and one from another address. The council aren't bothered. Hmmmmmmm. Politics.

Anonymous said...

The more you mention him, the more I really like Rangercraig - and Grahame gets some kudos for this one, too. Good job, guys!