I'd promised to knit Archie a jumper and after painstaking pattern observation he chose the plainest, simplest one and asked for it to be knitted in black. The pattern is so old it doesn't even merit a mention on Ravelry. The helpfully named Patons Sweater C 3615 was started many moons ago and knitted inbetween more interesting projects. It has no shaping on the body, minimal shaping on the sleeves and posed no challenge whatsoever. The sewing together of black pieces of jumper with black yarn in a room with poor lighting caused an outbreak of swearing not usually heard in this household. It is all over now. Archie loves the jumper so much I just know he will ask for another one.
Here he is with Long Suffering Bear, renamed Tomten Ted in honour of the jacket he is wearing which was beautifully knitted by Mary Jane. It all got a bit much for Ted. I think he must have overheard the swearing.
Alas! Poor Ted.
It was fun to see a pic of Archie and his sweater. To knit (and seam)all that black was truly a labor of love.
the black sweater looks great despite all the misery involved. must feel so good to have it done!!! my son liam is like your archie-plain and simple especially when it comes to knitted items-i find all these cool patterns and he says-mom-i'd never wear that. he's just chosen a plain grey for a pair of socks-he wants them simple-no cables, nothing-just simple socks. he know what he likes.
love the rosehip pic. did you google rosehips yet and see the all the awesome things these cute little red things can do for you? i reallly want to try and make some syrup. have a great fall:)
It snowed here today. Just stuck to the ground for a few minutes and then melted away....the sweater is wonderful!
Nothing says a labour of love more than plain knitting in black yarn! you did a great job and I am sure the swearing was absolutely necessary to get the job done!
What is it about men and colour! I nicknamed Colin "The Stylish Mr Monochrome" for years as he was always clad in grey or black - thankfully he's now welcomed colour into his wardrobe at long last.
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