Tuesday 11 March 2008

Mirror Mirror

Baxterknits was intrigued by the mirror-like thing in the tapestry I wrote about last week but along with everyone else was not exactly sure if it was a mirror or some other medieval implement . I decided to go to the experts and put out a plea on the Medieval Textiles group on Ravelry. Ravelry never lets a person down.

Theresab ( that's her Rav name ) very kindly passed on this little nugget of information. Many many thanks!

Decorative Visions.com:

This tapestry represents a lady and its ‘Demoiselle’ of company in a thousand flowers garden. The mistress embroides days of its youth while, her servant tends her mirror. The youth of these two figures have well been rendered by the painteress. Also exhibited at the Cluny Museum in Paris.