Thursday, 17 July 2008

Family and chums.

It's been a super sociable week here at Mog Towers. Sunday saw the family all meeting up for my dad's birthday lunch. I won't say how old he is but he can now be properly described as a pensioner. Before then, Sam my oldest friend in the world came over to spend a few days with us. I've known Sam since we were twelve and although she now lives in Australia, it is easy to slip back into the old ways. Thankfully she is a knitter and we had a pilgrimage to Twist Fibre Crafts and Di Gilpin's shop in St Andrews. Many skeins and books were bought and Sam has started on the slippery slope of sock knitting. I had intended a sock for myself but the Noro yarn I bought was too thin in places for my trusty 2.5mms so I ripped it back and cast on for a pair of legwarmers instead with no thin heel to worry about. The colours are gorgeous and I'm just doing a stocking stitch in a mindless mannner till I think they are long enough.

The garden has gone berserk in the summer mixture of rain and sun, I've been out picking mange tout and broad beans as well as all manner of berry. My hands smell of strawberries and I have minestrone plans for tea. The hoverflies seem happy just snacking on the poppies.


Orinda5 said...

I love that legwarmers are back.
So fun!

I hear you on the thin yarn thing...
I used 2.0mm on my noro socks - in the same exact colorway. ;)

zippiknits...sometimes said...

the peony (I hope that's what it is) is gorgeous. To honor your photo, it was maximized and F11'd so that it filled my screen. Delicious! And those dear little pollinators, what are they? They look different to me.

noro is a pain in the neck but so lovely at the same time. I'll bet you'll love your legwarmers just as much as socks. And grats on enabling your old friend! Yay, a new sock knitter.... whoot!

Karin said...

All your berries make me homesich for Germany...Stachelbeeren, Johannisbeeren...I can just taste the jam...yum.