The socks are done - I took the advice of a good few humans and one cat, and just followed my instincts. Horizontal grafting it is. The weather has let me down again so the picture was taken on a wet and windy doorstep. Cold enough for sock wearing at least and the garden is loving the rain.
Things could be worse - my mum and dad decided to go away for a few days in the Lake District. By the sounds of things, the weather hasn't been good to them either. We got an email from my dad last night. He doesn't really like holidays.
Hello Jeni and Archie
It rained yesterday, soft rain from a windless sky. We went for a sail on the lake in the morning and kept dry in the downstairs cabin.
Today it rained again, horizontal rain, with gale force wind to match, and no visibility. As I look out from the lounge I see upturned metal chairs on the patio, and leaves rushing past the window, and I hear the sound of the wind whistling through cracks somewhere. It is coming on for 2pm. I have finished the Sunday Times, and had a sandwich lunch. I have the Mail on Sunday to look forward to, and after that, God only knows.
Having a lovely time. Wish you were here.
Only one more sleep and he gets to come home!